Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age
Since November 2014, the exhibition 'Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age' is on show at the Hermitage Amsterdam. The presentation features over thirty group portraits dating from the 17th century. These enormous paintings originate from the Amsterdam Museum and Rijksmuseum and are accompanied by other paintings and objects.
Together they illustrate the story of collective citizenship that is typical of the Netherlands. These 'brothers and sisters' of the Night Watch are unique in the world and rarely seen due to their size. Thanks to a special partnership between the Amsterdam Museum, Rijksmuseum, and Hermitage Amsterdam, these masterpieces are now visible to a large international audience.
The story revolves around who the civic guards and regents were and their achievements within 17th century urban culture. While the power in the rest of Europe lay in the hands of rulers and church officials, the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands was ruled by the bourgeoisie. By governing city and country, trading, taking on the city’s defence, stimulating scientific developments and setting up and managing the social safety net, the citizens ensured that the Republic became one of the most powerful and prosperous nations in Europe. The exhibition literally and figuratively gives a face to these influential men and women, particularly those from the city of Amsterdam, and makes it clear how the 17th century mentality led to manners and standards that can still be recognized in contemporary society.
Immediately upon entering the large ground floor hall in the Herenvleugel exhibition wing, visitors stand face to face with these influential citizens. The canvases - the largest of which measures approximately 3 x 6 metres - are hung in two rows and guarantee a spectacular presentation.
You will see:
- Civic guard group portraits
- Regent group portraits
- Guild portraits
- Link to the present
Opening times:
- Daily from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm*
- The museum is closed on King's Day (27th April) and the 25th of December. On January 1st, the museum is open from 11:00 am to 17:00 pm.
Amstel 51, Amsterdam